简介:Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication—only seven percent of understanding derives from words.
Gestures, facial expressions and body movement compose ninety-three percent of communication—only seven percent of understanding derives from words. Experts in non-verbal signals will deconstruct video footage of people from iconic moments in history, past and present, to reveal what was truly being said. Learn how subtle movements are used to persuade masses, establish power, and advance careers—most often without anyone knowing it. 手势、面部表情和肢体动作占人际交流组成部分的93%,只有7%的理解判断能力是源自语言表达。 熟知非语言讯息的专家们,将对人们在过去和现在那些历史标志性时刻的录像片段作出解析,揭示他们真正要说的是什么。 了解一下他们是怎样在用不知不觉中做出微妙动作来说服平民大众,确立权势,并推动事业发展的吧——而对这些体态语言,在多数情况下是无人知晓的。展开