简介:A story inspired by Shakespeare and set in the Maltese city of Valletta: a sailor's son is damned to row back and forth across a hemmed harbour... 本片灵感来自于莎士比亚的戏剧,故事被设定在马耳他首都瓦莱塔:一名水手的儿子受到惩罚 ,他必须在一个封闭
A story inspired by Shakespeare and set in the Maltese city of Valletta: a sailor's son is damned to row back and forth across a hemmed harbour... 本片灵感来自于莎士比亚的戏剧,故事被设定在马耳他首都瓦莱塔:一名水手的儿子受到惩罚 ,他必须在一个封闭的海港中来回地划着船……展开